Seminario del dottor Yawar Hussain - Venerdì 28 luglio 2023 ore 10.00, aula Lucchesi

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Il dottor Yawar Hussain terrà un seminario, che si terrà il 28 luglio 2023 dalle ore 10.00 in Aula Lucchesi, dal titolo: "Near-surface geophysics for geohazard concerns in fluvial, karstic and volcanic environments".

E' possibile seguire il seminario a questo link:

Dr. Yawar Hussain is an early career researcher working on environmental geophysics. He earned his PhD in Geotechnical Engineering from University of Brasilia, Brazil. He has postdoc. experiences in Brazil, USA, Belgium and Italy, where he applied near-surface geophysical techniques in different geological settings.



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