Seminario dott.ssa T. Ubide

Il seminario tenuto dalla Dott.ssa Teresa Ubide (University of Queensland), dal titolo "Laser ablation ICP-MS element mapping: applications to volcanology and the geosciences" è stato rinviato a martedì 6 Giugno 2017 alle ore 10.00, in Aula Lucchesi, invece di lunedì 29 maggio 2017.
Geochemical imaging with laser ablation ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS) has rapidly developed in the last few years as an in-situ, high resolution technique able to visualize the distribution of trace elements in geological materials. LA-ICP-MS trace element maps have the potential to reveal complexities in natural processes that are not appreciated under the microscope or using microbeam spot analyses. This seminar will introduce the LA-ICP-MS mapping technique, including practical approaches and outcomes, and then present applications to geoscience research.
Seminario della dott.ssa Teresa Ubide
Monday, May 8, 2017

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