
Museum, Library and Laboratories

The Department of Earth Sciences hosts the outstanding collections of the Museum of Earth Sciences (Museo di Scienze della Terra - MUST).  The MUST was formed from the merging of the historical museums of Geology, Mineralogy and Paleontology.

The Library of the Department incorporates the libraries of the former Institutes of Geology, Mineralogy and Paleontology and is specialized in the following disciplines: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geography, Geology, Applied Geology, Geomorphology, Hydrogeology, Mineralogy, Paleontology and Petrography.
The Library has a collection of about 48,000 monographs, 5,500 geographical and geological maps of various types and 210 professional journals (many in digital version as well). This collection represents a valuable historical heritage.

The Department hosts several research laboratories offering substantial support to research and teaching. Laboratories facilities and support from the technical staff are available to faculty, research staff and graduate students. Some laboratories offer also professional service to third parties.


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma