
The Department of Earth Sciences (DES) of Sapienza University of Rome welcomes you to its web site. Since 1985, when it was established, the goal of DES is to offer high level education and to produce and guarantee high quality scientific research.

Earth Sciences embrace a large number of disciplines concerning three main topics: Georesources and Energy, Environment, Risk. These topics are treated with the aim to provide the basic knowledge of the evolution of planet Earth and in particular: structure of matter at the atomic scale, Earth’s interior and continental dynamics, causes of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, earth-surface processes, water resources protection and management, life evolution, global changes. Education in this field of studies is aimed at outlining the continuous transformations (past, present and future) of our planet, with focus on both environmental risks due to human activities and risks connected with its natural evolution.

Skill in Earth Sciences issues means gaining theoretical and experimental knowledge, as well as attitude to the observation and monitoring of natural processes. Expertise in Earth Sciences is also essential for having success in several professions, such as applied and environmental geology, oil drilling, protection and management of natural resources, land use planning and many others, including basic research activities.


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma