(+39)064991 4926
Short Curriculum Vitae
- 2009: Graduated in Sciences for the cultural heritage from the University of Parma with the thesis: “Scientific investigations of the wall paintings by Correggio: the dome in Parma cathedral”
- 2014: Applied Sciences for the Protection of the Environment and the Cultural Heritage Sapienza University of Rome
- 2014: Postdoctoral Fellowship at Department of Sciences of Antiquities, Sapienza University of Rome in the project “Mineralogical and petrographic characterization of Bronze Age ceramic from Ebla”
- 2015-2016 Postdoctoral Fellowship at Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome in the project “Technological aspects of production and provenance of raw material in ceramic from Levant by non- and micro-destructive techniques”
- 2018 - present Researcher at Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome
- 2009 Degree in Sciences for the cultural heritage
- 2014 PhD in Applied Sciences for the Protection of the Environment and the Cultural Heritage
Professional experience
- 2015-2016: Post-doc at the Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome
- 2018 - present: Researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome
Research Topics
- provenance studies of materials in the field of cultural heritage
- archaeometric studies of cultural heritage materials
- green materials for the conservation of cultural heritage
- immobilization processes of heavy metals by natural and synthetic phosphates in aqueous solution and in polluted soils
Active Research Project
- 2021/2023 – NYMPHA “Natural polYsaccharides from Microalgae for the Protection of cultural HeritAge” – (POR FESR Lazio 2014 – 2020)
Editorial Activities
- 2000 – today: Reviewer for the following journals: Scientific Reports, European Physical Journal Plus, Archaeometry, Applied Clay Science, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Geoscience, Applied Sciences, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Materials Characterization, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, Measurements, Applied Spectroscopy, Applied Physics A, Microchemical Journal, European Journal of Mineralogy
- 2019 - today: co-Editor of the Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage section - Periodico di Mineralogia
- 2020 - today Guest Editor Special Issue "Affirming Authenticity: Sustainable Conservation of Cultural Heritage" – Sustainability MDPI
- 2021 - today: Associate Editor Rendiconti OnLine della Società Geologica Italiana
- 2021 - today: Guest Editor “Special Issue - Sustainable Valorization of Biowaste for Environmental Remediation” - Adsorption Science and Technology
- Geomaterials for Cultural Heritage (I anno-I semestre della laurea magistrale in Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage
List of papers in Google Scholar (
Citations: 363; h-index 12 (from Scopus May 2021).