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Italy = 78; Abroad = 100
The cost of one issue is one third of the annual subscription fee.
Student subcription rate has a discount of 30%.

Special Offer: entire collection - vol. 1 (1930) - last volume sold in Italy = 550 and Abroad = 600
Back volumes Europe = 88; and Abroad = 110

For subscription, please contact: Scienze e Lettere - Via Piave, 7, I-00187 Rome, Italy
E-mail: info@bardieditore.com

Periodico di Mineralogia can be exchanged with other periodical journals.
Please contact the Scientific Editor of the journal.

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E-mail: info@bardieditore.com

Published three times a year: Property of Università degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza" P.le Aldo moro, 5, I-00185 Rome, Italy

Scienze e Lettere - Via Piave 7, I - 00187 Rome, Italy


Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi La Sapienza
P.le A.Moro, 5, I - 00185
Rome, Italy. Telefax: +39 06 4454729