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Volume LXXVI - Anno 2007

Vol. LXXVI, April 2007 n. 1:

F.F. SLEJKO, R. PETRINI AND S. PIZZANELLI - The characterization of boron sites in the glass structure of a calc-alkaline magma (Capraia Island, Italy), p. 3-9
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M. HASSAN AND H. BAIOUMY - Characterization and origin of alunite in the El-Gideda iron mine (Egypt), p. 11-24
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L. DE CAPITANI, M. CARNEVALE AND M. FUMAGALLI- Gamma-ray spectroscopy determination of radioactive elements in late-Hercynian plutonic rocks of Val Biandino and Val Trompia (Lombardy, Italy), p. 25-39
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R. CIDU, R. BIDDAU, F. MANCA AND M. PIRAS - Hydrogeochemical features of the Sardinian rivers, p. 41-57
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P. TUCCI, P. MORBIDELLI, C. IMPERATORI AND G. DE CASA- Study for restoration purposes about the obelisk located in “Piazza della Libertà” at Ostuni (Brindisi, Southern Italy), p. 59-73
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Vol. LXXVI, September 2007 n. 2:

L. Pinarelli and A. Boriani - Tracing metamorphism, magmatism and tectonics in the southern Alps (Italy): constraints from Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb geochronology, and isotope geochemistry, p. 5-24
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Giuseppe Cassinis, Luciano Cortesogno, Laura Gaggero, Cesare Perotti and Ausonio Ronchi - Volcanic products from the Early Permian Collio Basin (southern Alps) and their geodynamic implications, p. 25-47
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Laura Buzzi and Laura Gaggero- Petrogenesis of post – orogenic Late Paleozoic andesite magmatism: a contribution from the Ligurian Alps (Italy), p. 49-66
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Giovanni B. Piccardo - Evolution of the ultra-slow spreading Jurassic Ligurian Tethys: view from the mantle, p. 67-80
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Francesco Menna, Gianfranco Principi , Benedetta Treves, Silvia Podetti, Francesca Garfagnoli and Simone Corti- The pre-orogenic tectonic history of the Bracco gabbroic massif: review and news, p. 81-100
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Lorenzo Fedele, Michele Lustrino, Leone Melluso, Vincenzo Morra and Fosco d’Amelio - The Pliocene Montiferro volcanic complex (central-western Sardinia, Italy): geochemical observations and petrological implications, p. 101-136
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Claudio Geloni and Giovanni Gianelli- A preliminary geochemical model of the fluid-rock interaction processes forming the eastern Liguria ophicalcite (northern Apennines, Italy), p. 137-154
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Rosangela Bocchio- Barium-rich phengite in eclogites from the Voltri Group (northwestern Italy), p. 155-167
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Chiara Groppo and Roberto Compagnoni- Ubiquitous fibrous antigorite veins from the Lanzo Ultramafic Massif, Internal Western Alps (Italy): characterisation and genetic conditions, p. 169-181
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Vol. LXXVI, December 2007 n. 3:

C. CIGOLINI - Petrography and thermobarometry of high-pressure ultramafic ejecta from Mount Vesuvius, Italy: inferences on the deep feeding system, p 5-24
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P. COMIN-CHIARAMONTI, C. B. GOMES, A. CUNDARI, F. CASTORINA AND P. CENSI - A review of carbonatitic magmatismin the Paraná-Angola-Namibia (PAN) system, p. 25-78
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R. COMPAGNONI, F. ROLFO, F. MANAVELLA AND F. SALUSSO - Jadeitite in the Monviso meta-ophiolite, Piemonte Zone, Italian western Alps, p. 79-89
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L. FIORA, M. CARANDO AND R. SANDRONE- Multimedia petrographic guide of the city of Torino, Italy, p. 91-97
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A. FORNELLI, F. MICHELETTI AND G. PICCARRETA- The Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian felsic magmatism in Calabria (Italy): inferences as to the origin and geodynamic setting, p. 99-112.
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M.L. FREZZOTTI AND S. FERRANDO - Multiphase solid inclusions in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks: a petrographic approach, p. 113-125
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C. GROPPO AND R. COMPAGNONI- Metamorphic veins from the serpentinites of the Piemonte Zone, western Alps, Italy: a review, p. 127-153
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C. GROPPO, D. CASTELLI AND F. ROLFO- HT, pre-Alpine relics in a spinel-bearing dolomite marble from the UHP Brossasco-Isasca Unit (Dora-Maira Massif, western Alps, Italy), p. 155-168
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L. MELLUSO, V. MORRA, P. BROTZU, L. FRANCIOSI, C. GRIFA, M. LUSTRINO, P. MORBIDELLI, H. RIZIKY AND M. VINCENT- The Cenozoic alkaline magmatism in central-northern Madagascar:a brief overview, p. 169-180
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G.B. PICCARDO, G. RANALLI, M. MARASCO AND M. PADOVANO- Ultramafic pseudotachylytes in the Mt. Moncuni peridotite (Lanzo Massif, western Alps): tectonic evolution and upper mantle seismicity, p. 181-197
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G.B. PICCARDO, A. ZANETTI, A. PRUZZO AND M. PADOVANO- The North Lanzo peridotite body (NWItaly):lithospheric mantle percolated by MORB and alkaline melts, p. 199-221
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P. ROSSETTI, A. AGANGI, D. CASTELLI, M. PADOAN AND R. RUFFINI- The Oligocene Biella pluton (western Alps, Italy): new insights on the magmatic vs. hydrothermal activity in the Valsessera roof zone, p. 223-240
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R. SACCHI, M. ALENE, M. BARBIERI AND A. CONTI- On the Palaeozoic Tillite of the Adigrat Group (Tigrai, Ethiopia), p. 241-251
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M. SCAMBELLURI, N. MALASPINA AND J. HERMANN- Subduction fluids and their interaction with the mantle wedge: a perspective from the study of high-pressure ultramafic rocks, p. 253-265
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M.I. SPALLA AND A.M. MAROTTA- P-T evolutions vs. numerical modelling: a key to unravel the Paleozoic to early-Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Alpine area, p. 267-308
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P. ULMER- Differentiation of mantle-derived calc-alkaline magmas at mid to lower crustal levels: experimental and petrologic constraints, p. 309-325
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Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi La Sapienza
P.le A.Moro, 5, I - 00185
Rome, Italy. Telefax: +39 06 4454729