VI appuntamento con Geoscience Colloquium - 4 giugno 2024 ore 14.00 su google meet

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Domani, alle 14:00, su Google Meet:, ci sarà il sesto appuntamento con il nostro Geoscience Colloquium, dal titolo "Measuring the temperature of geological process using clustered isotopes" tenuto da Stefano M. Bernasconi (PhD) dell'Istituto Geologico, ETH di Zurigo.


Since its establishment almost 20 years ago, carbonate clumped isotope thermometry has grown to the most widely applied branch of the rapidly evolving field of clumped isotope geochemistry. An increasing number of laboratories worldwide is implementing this technique and applying it to solve a broad range of Earth science questions. In this talk, I will review the state-of-the-art analytical methods and temperature calibrations and present various application of clumped isotopes in paleoclimate and tectonics.



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